A mobile game project made by Unimod company. Where you join the colorful journey of the characters with the goal of saving the world.
Heroes from Legend Guardians
An unnamed boy was summoned from the Soulstone with the responsibility of protecting the Ten Worlds. Although his memory was lost, his extraordinary combat skills and pure heart are the most obvious proof that he is the Chosen One. With rumpled green hair and black eyes due to lack of sleep, Nameless always finishes his duty despise how reluctant he is. No matter how tired he is, he will be always willing to help others because he is kind at heart. Nameless’s real identity remains a mystery, though, at least until he recovers his lost memory.
A forest’s guard, Forest Spirit was born from a hollow creature-shaped tree trunk lying deep inside the forest. Because the forest is the home of many spirits, Forest Spirit was infuriated upon witnessing Tensi and the Nightmares wreaking havoc on the forest. It decided to accompany Nameless to help him save the day. Due to partial effect from the Nightmare, sometimes Forest Spirit loses control of his temper and becomes maddened with anger. It is hoped that after Tensi is defeated, this guardian of the forest could finally find himself.
Millia is one of the Guard Captain of the Light Kingdom. She is the only one who remains unaffected by the “ecstasy drug” when Tensi conquers this world. Her archery is second to none among all archers living in the Light Kingdom and is exceptionally promoted to the Light King’s Guard before the King is captured. Millia is quite the most mature one among all Guardians. With her seriousness and short temper, she always keeps her group going the right way and deal with any arising issues. She is the true leader of the team!