_ The cost will be affected by design complexity, accessories, extra elements eg. pets, wings, etc.
_ Background pricing is separate from the base price

Cel Shading - normal rendering: Half body $250 - Fullbody $350
Completion time: 1 to 2 weeks
Simple background: free - Complex background:$25-$100

Full rendering: Half body $350 - Fullbody $500
Completion time: 1 to 4 weeks
Simple background: free - Complex background:$50-$100. Please dont order background !

Characters screen:  Email us to discuss.
Completion time:  4-6 weeks 

what we cant provide.

_ R16 + content is ok.
_ We cant draw Mecha  , a few sets of armor might be possible.
_ Complex background

For Comercial - Promotion purpose

_ Streaming services : x1.5 Base price
_ For video  MVs:  x1 (not monetized) , x1.5 Base price (cover, Original, monetized)
_ Book cover: x1,5 Base price
_ Good for Sale : x3 Base price
_ For more detailed quote , or to discuss budgets please contract us directly.